It’s no secret that there are countless styles and types of boats to choose from! Whether you want to upgrade your fishing boat or experience luxury on the water, our team at 72 Marine Sales can help you find the right option. If you’re interested in learning more about fiberglass models, you’ll want to keep reading.


A fiberglass boat is a model that has been built with a composite substance and reinforced by fibers of glass, carbon, and other materials. You can typically expect the hull or the deck to be constructed with fiberglass material. 


If you’re considering a fiberglass boat, it’s important to know some of the benefits. At the top of the list, fiberglass is a lightweight material, meaning it creates a lightweight boat! This is beneficial for speed and ease of use. 

It’s also true that fiberglass boats require less maintenance than some other types. Since it’s so durable, you’ll battle corrosion and other issues less often. You’ll want to maintain regular repairs and care, but you should encounter fewer major concerns. 

Finally, fiberglass boats are easy to operate and are very smooth on the water. The material creates less noise overall, so if you enjoy a peaceful boating experience, you might prefer a fiberglass model. 

Potential Concerns

Like any product you’re looking to purchase, there can be some potential concerns with fiberglass boats. There are a few things to be aware of before you commit to purchasing one of these models. 

First, there has been some evidence of delamination in fiberglass boats that are made with a layer of wood between the outer and inner layers of fiberglass. If this were to occur, you’d need to seek professional repairs. 

Another issue that can arise is blisters on the surface of the boat. These can trap water and expand over time. This concern can be minimized with regular cleaning, but it’s important to be aware of it. 

Remember that all boats will undergo stress and wear during their lifespan, so you should determine if the benefits outweigh the potential concerns when you make your final decision.

There are many reasons to purchase a fiberglass boat and we hope to help you determine the best model for your needs! Visit us in Elberton, GA, to browse our inventory. We proudly serve the Athens and Augusta areas.